3 Things You Should Do Before Getting A Divorce

Getting a divorce is a very big decision. This is not something that you should rush into. Recognize that getting the divorced finalized can take a good deal of time, so it is best if you can prepare as much as possible to make the process go as smoothly as possible. Here are a couple things that you should do before you get divorced so that things will be easier.   [Read More]

Maneuvering Through The Tricky Laws Surrounding ERISA Disability Claims: How A Lawyer Can Help

Government agencies often make laws more difficult to understand and follow than is really necessary. Anyone who has ever filed their federal taxes has experienced this confusion. If you are attempting to file a disability claim but are trying to file it with the government instead of through your private insurance provider, you may end up with a similar headache. This is due to the fact that ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) has some tricky laws to maneuver around and through. [Read More]

Three Steps For Men Going Through Divorce

When it comes to divorce, there are some tips that are more pertinent depending on specific circumstances. For instance, business owners have certain considerations to keep in mind that wage earners will not have to consider in a divorce. Likewise, if you are a father in the midst of a divorce, there are some very important tips that you will need to keep in mind in order to protect your livelihood after ending your marriage. [Read More]

Is Your Spouse Disabled? 3 Ways You Will Need To Alter Your Estate Plan

You may already have an estate plan in place for you and your spouse and think that everything is set. Unfortunately, you will have to alter your estate plan if your spouse becomes disabled. This is because your disabled spouse will need financial protection in the event that you are unable to take care of them. Here are three things you will need to do. Transfer Assets As Soon As The Disability Happens [Read More]