The Added Benefits of an Estate Planning Attorney

You may know that you can technically create a will without the help of an estate planning attorney. But there are some added benefits of using a professional. Here are some of the top considerations.  Better Understanding of the Law What happens if you write something in your will that is not actually legal? For example, you want to assign all of your assets to your cousin, but you're married, which means that the assets legally transfer to your spouse? [Read More]

Are Rental Companies Ever Responsible For Car Accidents?

After being involved in an accident with a driver in a rental car, there is sometimes confusion about who is responsible. Although it might seem logical that the driver is to blame, there is a possibility that the rental company shares some of the fault. If you were the victim of the car accident, here is what you need to know: When Is the Driver to Blame? In most instances, the driver of the rental car is to blame if he or she caused the accident. [Read More]

Two Important Issues You Need To Know About Suing For Future Medical Costs

If you sustained severe injuries in a truck accident that require long-term treatment, you can sue for future medical costs to cover the different medicines and therapies you may need to restore your health. However, there are two important things you need to know about suing for future medical costs that can impact your case and access to any money you're awarded. Here's what you need to know. Claims Cannot Be Open-Ended [Read More]

Pushing Through An Uncooperative Veterans Affairs Office

Does it feel like the Department of Veterans Affairs offices aren't listening to you? Do you rarely receive a callback, or are your claims unceremoniously denied despite evidence that you think is perfect for the situation? There are many situations where miscommunication or policy confusion can leave veterans and Veterans Affairs (VA) offices on uneven understanding, but some issues are from individual misconduct. Here's a few ways to figure out whether your issue is a simple policy issue, or if you need to root out misconduct at a specific office with legal help. [Read More]