An expert witness can play an incredibly important role in your malpractice or personal injury case. However, finding the right expert witness can become a challenge. Occasionally, you may need someone with a highly specialized area of expertise.
What is an Expert Witness?
An expert witness is a professional or specialist in a particular field. They use their expertise to corroborate or dispute the details of a plaintiff or defendant's story.
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The Cannabis Industry Is Growing Up: Time to Think About Patents for Specific Strains
Are you just getting started in the burgeoning cannabis industry? If so, you need to start paying attention to patent law because that could become the key to remaining competitive within the industry. This is what you need to know.
How can you patent a product of nature?
You can't patent a natural creation, which means that nobody can put a patent on Cannabis sativa, the ordinary marijuana plant. However, individual strains of marijuana, which have been carefully cultivated through selective breeding and genetic engineering in order to obtain specific properties, are no longer considered natural.
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Is Spousal Support Still Available?
Many divorcing couples never even consider the issue of spousal support (alimony). Some may believe that in today's world of dual careers it has fallen by the wayside. These beliefs are inaccurate, however; spousal support is still an option in all states. Not taking advantage of this valuable benefit could prove to be to your financial detriment, so read on to learn some interesting facts about spousal support.
1. This monetary payment came about as a means to help bring equality to divorcing spouses that had passed up education or career opportunities to raise a family.
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Four Signs Of Traumatic Brain Injury Following An Auto Accident
Automobile accidents are frequently associated with back and neck pain -- but there are other injuries that are both common and equally serious. A traumatic brain injury can occur any time an individual's brain is exposed to force. During a car accident, the human brain may become severely jostled, causing internal bleeding and bruising. A traumatic brain injury may not be immediately obvious because it isn't visible, but there are a few clear signs.
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