What About Your Pain And Suffering?

Being compensated after a car accident can mean being paid for a variety of damages. One of the least understood of those damages is probably pain and suffering. Accident victims naturally wonder how anyone could put a price tag on how much pain they've suffered as a result of a careless driver. For the answer and some tips on making sure you get all you deserve for your pain and suffering, read on. [Read More]

Why Jury Selection Is So Important For Your Criminal Trial

As you face criminal charges and elect to go through a trial instead of admitting guilt or accepting a plea bargain, you will reach the date when jury selection begins. Jury selection is vital for any criminal trial, and it is something that your lawyer will be very selective with. Here are the reasons jury selection is so important for your trial, as well as some information about how your lawyer chooses jurors for your case. [Read More]

Theft vs. Robbery: What's the Difference?

Laws exist to help maintain order. Breaking the law might seem like a black and white subject, but criminal charges can be confusing. One of the more confusing topics is the difference between theft and a robbery. Most people don't understand the distinction between the two, but each has its own definition and punishment. Identifying the key points between these two crimes will help you be more prepared to face a theft or robbery charge in the future. [Read More]

Three Things You Should Do If Your Workers' Compensation Is Denied

If your workers' compensation claim is denied, it may have come as a surprise to you. The most important thing to understand is that you have a right to an appeal. However, there are a few steps you need to take before you attempt an appeal. The following are the most important things you should do. Read the letter that denies your claim You will receive a letter from the insurance company stating the reason your compensation claim has been denied. [Read More]