Time To Get Out Of An Abusive Marriage? 5 Steps You Should Take

It's never easy to file for divorce. If you're the victim of domestic abuse, it can be even more difficult. You should never stay in an abusive relationship. However, you should take precautions before you file for divorce. Here are some steps you should take that will help an attorney, such as Wade Bettis, J.D., Ph.D., PC, get you the protection you need. Seek Medical Care Embarrassment or fear may keep you from seeking medical care. [Read More]

5 Signs That Your Employer Might Be Mishandling Your Workers' Compensation Case

If you have recently tried to file for workers' compensation, you may trust that your work will follow through on the process. However, it isn't always this simple and sometimes it is safer to bring in a workers' compensation lawyer to review your case. Here are five warning signs that your work might not follow through with your best interests in mind when it comes to workers' compensation. 1. If Things are Still 'Business as Usual' [Read More]

What You Can Do If Your New Home Has A Major Defect

After buying a home, you expect the house to be in the condition the seller said it was in. In fact, sellers are responsible for disclosing any problems a house has when they sell, but this doesn't always happen. If you end up with a problem in your new house that will cost you thousands of dollars to fix, you may want to hire a real estate lawyer for help. Here are two things the lawyer will do for if you have a home with defects. [Read More]

Safety Tips For Driving In The Bakken

The once obscure state of North Dakota has gotten a lot of attention in the past five years, thanks to the oil boom taking place in the Bakken Shale formation. Many people have come to the state looking for work and if you drive the roadways anywhere in the Bakken, there are some things you will want to keep in mind. Traffic Fatalities on the Rise While North Dakota has the lowest unemployment rate in the country, there has been a downside to the influx of people coming to the state. [Read More]