Settling Your Worker's Compensation Claim: What You Need to Know

Your employer has a responsibility to give you compensation for any injuries that you sustain while working for him or her. A worker's compensation claim allows for four kinds of compensation that you can receive. Reimbursement of medical bills, weekly compensation, vocational rehabilitation, and impairment benefits are all factored into your total benefits. You have the option of receiving benefits on a weekly basis, or you can settle your claim and receive a single lump sum. [Read More]

Best Ways For Dog Owners To Prevent Bite Injuries

You might think that because your dog is not an aggressive breed, you don't need to worry about your beloved pet biting a friend, neighbor or stranger. The truth is, any dog may bite. In fact, the breeds most commonly implicated in serious bite injuries include collies, spaniels and labs. Probably the only time you would want your dog to take a chomp out of someone is if that person is breaking into your house or posing a danger to your family. [Read More]

Golden Rules For Getting Through Your Divorce

Divorce may very well be one of the hardest things that you will ever go through -- but there is no reason to make it harder than it has to be. To be sure that you are treated fairly throughout the course of the divorce process, there are plenty of tips you can follow to make the process smooth. This article will teach you some great pieces of advice, so that you are able to go through the divorce process with the utmost preparation and knowledge of the situation that you are dealing with. [Read More]

Avoid These 3 Mistakes In Your Car Accident Claim

Being in an auto accident can be scary, especially when you weren't the one at fault. Your mind is going in a million different directions trying to figure everything out. Not only are you stuck trying to deal with auto repairs, but you have to also figure out what is going on with your own health. Dealing with a car accident claim can be overwhelming. You don't want to make a mistake that could devastate your entire case. [Read More]