Answering Common Workers' Compensation Eligibility Questions

If you've suffered an injury during work hours, you might be thinking about filing a workers' compensation claim. Most injuries that you sustain at work will qualify for workers' compensation coverage, but that doesn't mean that every injury would be covered. Here are a few things you should consider before you file. Is The Injury Directly Connected To Your Job? Injuries sustained during the execution of your job duties are usually covered under workers' compensation without too much trouble. [Read More]

Examples Of Child Abuse Through Acts Of Omission

You can be charged with child abuse if you cause injury to a child. You can cause injury to a child either by doing something or failing to do something, although many people are more familiar with actions rather than omissions as causes of child abuse. Here are three examples of child abuse through omissions. Denying Medical Treatment As a parent, it's your responsibility to provide your child with medical care. [Read More]

Understanding Copyrights And Patents

Intellectual property can be a pretty confusing field, but it is also extremely important to just about every person. Consumers, companies, brands, inventors, and just about every adult is heavily affected by intellectual property laws. These laws can play a huge role in determining what you can and cannot do, so it's critical to have a basic understanding of two of the most common forms of intellectual property work: Copyrights [Read More]

Difficulties With Getting Injury Evidence In Jail

Some things that free people take for granted are difficult to accomplish behind bars. For example, gathering evidence of an injury in jail or prison isn't easy. You need this evidence if you are submitting a personal injury claim against the responsible party. Here are some of the specific challenges you may face: Getting Photographic Evidence One of the most common pieces of advice given to injury victims is to get photographic or video evidence. [Read More]