Money Matters: How Much Is Owed For Child Support

If you and your spouse are in the midst of a divorce, the subject of child support will need visiting if you are the parents of a minor child. When it comes to contentious issues, those that pluck at our heartstrings and are connected to our wallets are often the most hotly contested, and child support checks off both of those boxes. The courts have very specific guidelines for addressing this issue. [Read More]

Spouse Injured In A Car Accident? Learn What Role You Play

Your spouse was injured in a motor vehicle accident. When it comes to their personal injury claim, it's up to them to fight their own battle, right? The short is answer is no. As their partner, you play an important role in the claim process and your participation is vital to the success of their case. If you're wondering what role you play, here are some helpful details.      Become The Medical Treatment Supervisor [Read More]

3 Things That You Shouldn't Put Up with When You Run a Bar

Running a bar can be a whole lot of fun, and it can be lucrative too. However, serving alcohol can be risky business, and you have to worry about fees and fines, liability issues, and more. This means that you can't put up with just anything in your establishment, no matter how much you want to strive for a laid-back and fun atmosphere. These are a few things that you should not put up with in your bar setting. [Read More]

Injured On The Public Bus System? Here Are Some Things To Consider

Are you among the many people who have turned to public transportation in order to help reduce your carbon footprint? If so, there are some things that you should realize about what to expect if you're in an accident while riding. Public transport drivers are held to a higher standard than regular drivers. In most lawsuits, the issue is whether or not someone was negligent and if that negligence ended up causing an accident or injury. [Read More]