A Double Doozy ~ Injured In A Car Wreck And Employed ~ Solutions To Both

Were you injured in a car accident and now have concerns about returning to work? You may fear losing your job, or perhaps you are concerned about being able to pay your bills. The following tips can help you to better understand how to handle the issues that getting injured in a car accident while employed may pose.  Stick with doctor recommendations regardless of how you feel. Some people get frustrated during the claims process due to bills continuing to pile up. [Read More]

3 Ways To Prevent Sexual Harassment At Work

As a business owner, you are responsible for providing your employees with a safe workplace. Here are three strategies you can implement to help prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.  #1 Have A Comprehensive Employee Anti-Harassment Policy The first thing you need to do is work with a law firm to create a comprehensive and detailed anti-sexual harassment policy.  This document should provide an extensive definition of what constitutes as both discrimination and harassment in the workplace, as well as examples of what those two things are. [Read More]

Easy Ride: 3 Tips That Will Help You Avoid Accidents

You just bought your first motorcycle and you're ready to hit the roads. While you're learning to ride your motorcycle, it's important that you take some extra precautions to avoid accidents. Here are three tips that will help you stay safe on your bike. Take Turns Cautiously The first trick to motorcycle safety is knowing what's in the road ahead of you. Unfortunately, that can be difficult to do when you're taking a tight corner. [Read More]

When Are You Responsbile For Your Dog Biting Someone?

As a dog owner, you're legally responsible for everything your dog does. Since he isn't a person and doesn't have any money, the courts will look to you to pay for any damage he causes. This includes if he bites someone. Here's when you may have to pay up for a dog bite. In Your Home Your dog is supposed to be secured in your home when not otherwise under your control, so you will receive the greatest benefit of the doubt when your dog bites someone in your home. [Read More]