Answering Common Workers' Compensation Eligibility Questions
If you've suffered an injury during work hours, you might be thinking about filing a workers' compensation claim. Most injuries that you sustain at work will qualify for workers' compensation coverage, but that doesn't mean that every injury would be covered. Here are a few things you should consider before you file.
Is The Injury Directly Connected To Your Job?
Injuries sustained during the execution of your job duties are usually covered under workers' compensation without too much trouble. If you are hurt carrying out a specific aspect of your job, file a workers' compensation claim right way.
This can also apply to hearing losses caused by persistently noisy work environments. If you work in construction or on a factory floor, any hearing loss you've suffered might be considered eligible for workers' compensation. When it comes to proving something subjective like this, though, you may want to work with a workers' compensation attorney and an audiologist to help you qualify for benefits.
What If You Were Hurt At Work On Your Lunch Break?
If the injury was sustained during work hours but it was on your lunch break, it probably won't be covered. The assumption is that your lunch break is your time, not company time. The only exception to this is if you can prove that you were carrying out a company-required task at the time under orders of your supervisor.
How Are Injuries Handled At Company Events?
If an injury happens at a company-sponsored event, such as a barbecue, company party or other event, you might be eligible for workers' compensation coverage. If there is a clear expectation that every employee attend, that expectation will make you more likely to qualify. If, however, the event was advertised as clearly optional and without bearing on your job, you may not be eligible.
What Happens With Illnesses And Disease Diagnoses?
Illnesses and diseases are difficult to prove as work-related. If you've been diagnosed with something that you can connect to your job environment, you should reach out to a workers' compensation lawyer right away. He or she can help you to prepare a solid claim.
Some common issues that you'll encounter in terms of work-related illnesses and disease are asbestos-related sickness, chemical-exposure illness and even cancer. If your medical care team can prove that it was related to your job, you may be able to file a workers' compensation claim.
Qualifying for workers' compensation means meeting a strict set of guidelines. Any time you file for workers' compensation, you'll want to make sure you have the help of an attorney who can work with you to navigate the claim. For more information, contact an experienced attorney or visit sites like